Writings in the United Amateur, 1915-1922 Page 18
As the second half of the official year progresses, we behold the Unitedin excellent condition, though not marked by as great a degree ofactivity as might be desired. The official organ faithfully maintainsits phenomenally high standard, the January issue indeed eclipsing allprecedents; but a larger number of other papers must be published, if weare to make the present term as memorable quantitatively as it isqualitatively. An excellent example is set by Mrs. Jordan, whose newlyestablished =Eurus= comes so opportunely. May this publication provepermanent, and of frequent appearance! Besides this, we are indebted toMiss Trafford, Lieut. McKeag, and Mr. Martin for a =Little Budget=,=Spindrift=, and =Sprite=, respectively. Several other papers arereported in press, including what promises to be a very remarkable=Vagrant=.
In order to increase the publishing activity of the Association, theadministration will endeavour to arrange for the publication of one ormore co-operative papers. Any United member able to contribute $1.50 ormore to such an enterprise should communicate with the undersigned, whowill attend to the details of issuance if a sufficient number ofcontributing editors can be obtained. $1.50 will pay for one page, 7x10,and each contributor is at liberty to take as many pages as he desiresat that rate. Contributors may utilise their space according to theirown wishes, and all will be equally credited with editorship. This plan,successfully practiced four years ago, should enable many hithertosilent members to appear in the editorial field to great advantage, in ajournal whose contents and appearance will alike be creditable.
The comparative scarcity of entries makes imperative a second warningregarding the new conditions in the Laureateship department. Ten personsmust compete in any class before an award in that particular divisioncan be granted, and at present no class contains an adequate variety ofentries. Again it is urged that the members lose no time in submittingtheir printed literary productions to Mr. Hoag for entry.
A careful study of the four proposed constitutional amendments isnecessary to ensure intelligent voting next July. The undersigned, astheir author, naturally favours their passage; but the one providing foran abolition of the officers' activity requirements should not beadopted without ample opportunity for debate and interchange of views.
The congratulations of the Association are extended to Mr. and Mrs.Edward H. Cole upon the advent of a son, Edward Sherman Cole, onFebruary 14. With equal sincerity the United felicitates Ex-PresidentLeo Fritter, on his marriage to Miss Frances P. Hepner, March 6.
The United's 22nd annual convention will be held on July 22nd, 23d and24th, at the Dells of the Wisconsin River. Under the direction of Mr.Daas this event cannot fail to be of interest and pleasure to alldelegates, and every member who finds attendance possible is urged to bepresent.
To commend the official board for its generous, harmonious, andindustrious co-operation this year, seems but a reiteration of needlesspanegyric; yet it would not be just to conclude this message withoutsome such expression of grateful appreciation. The enthusiastic andunswerving loyalty of all our leaders has been a constant shield againstthe adversity of these gloomy times, and has been wonderfully successfulin maintaining the United at a high cultural level.
H. P. LOVECRAFT, President. March 8, 1918.